Saturday, November 15, 2008

"Naive" effigy

Imagine yourself: you promenade in a mall on an ordinary working day, shoppers too few and far between, cleanliness almost antiseptic, displays static, precise, pristine. Then you see this all dramatically lit installation - you couldn't make it out from a distance, so you go closer. Now what do you make of it? A papier mache, no doubt, carelessly accentuated by possibly manila hemp given to the care of competitive bunch of caffeine-strung stray cats. Oh, could it be? But yes... *drumroll* IT'S ASLAN! (SM Southmall, theater area, promo materials for Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian.)

Technical information on original version: width=1224, height=1632, resolution=72dpi, taken with SE K810i, taken on 2008-05-27, filename=DSC02088.JPG

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