Saturday, October 11, 2008

Thai teddy royalty

Early in May, got a chance to travel to Bangkok again. Colleague Noemi from HAIN and I attended a meeting of the region's civil society to report on the country's experience in preparing the UNGASS progress report. I've seen most of the city (though not the usual tourist fare) because of various regional meetings and conferences; Noemi, curiously, seemed to take the tourist shopping bug to the hilt. In a mall, we window-shopped a Jim Thompson's - window-shop was all we could do, everything was very expensive. Card-carrying BM member that I am, I couldn't resist stealing a shot of this royally luscious teddy bear; note the brass plate, it suggests "collector's item."

Technical information on original version: width=1224, height=1632, resolution=72dpi, taken with SE K810i, taken on 2008-05-04, filename=DSC01984.JPG

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