Saturday, July 19, 2008

Silhouette in blue

There's really so much blue glow around Music Match in Tomas Morato, where BM have spent several of its videoke-cum-socializations recently. Stole a quick snap at true-blue chaser raiko, who for much of the night kept on doing this: drink, laugh, chatter, sing along, then walk out the door, pose and chat on the phone. Must be bluffing on his whereabouts or some sorta. In fairness, whoever was on the other end of the line must not be buying the bluff. *lol* Don't worry, I could've said, raiko's with me and I'm one of the "good" guys. *lol*

Technical information on original version: width=2048, height=1536, resolution=72dpi, taken with SE K810i, taken on 2008-03-02, filename=DSC01501.JPG

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